BPC is a small congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) with a variety of programs and ministries for our members and for the community. Our church building is located on the corner of South Pierce Street and Highway 29 just one block off the square in downtown Burnet. We come together here to enjoy community and find spiritual perspective.
Here, we encourage each other to ask questions as we learn and think about the Christian faith, and we are given space to read the Bible and discover its greater meaning in our daily lives. On Sundays and throughout the week, we find support and enrichment, strengthen existing relationships, build new ones, and find hands-on ways to help others.
Grounded in worship and inspired to serve, the BPC community offers reassurance and hope in a continually changing world. Together, we work toward the wholeness of life envisioned and promised by Jesus.
Burnet Presbyterian Church is experiencing exciting changes!
Until we find a new pastor, our pulpit is being filled by visiting pastors who preach inspiring sermons and, on occasion, by church members who deliver moving homilies.
We wish you peace, joy, and the blessing of God’s love —
101 South Pierce St. (southeast corner of TX-29 and Pierce St.)
Burnet, Texas 78611
Tel. (512) 756-4366
Sunday School – Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Worship – Sunday 11:00 a.m.