Our Sunday School classes are at 9:30 am

Our Sunday School begins with coffee, doughnuts and fellowship, followed by a gathering of all Sunday School class members for a review of the weekly calendar of church activities, singing Happy Birthday for those having a birthday during the week, a prayer list update for congregational cares and concerns, a hymn or two (from a neat old green hymnal), a devotional, and a prayer.


The Disciples’ Class is an adult Bible Study class which meets in the Church Library on Sunday morning from 9:45 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. The Disciples use a quarterly lesson book, The Present Word, based on the International Sunday School Lessons. The format for the class is discussion based on the reading of the lesson text and relevant Scripture passages.


The Mavericks’ Class is an odd name for a Christian Sunday School Class, for sure. You probably know that “maverick” refers to cattle that wander away from the cattle drive. We have a tendency to drift from the lesson to current events and Bible applications, which allows for great discussions. If we don’t finish the lesson, we will continue it the next Sunday. Our participants choose what we would like to study. Recently, we finished studying the History of the Church and How Jesus Saves the World From Us. Currently, our text is The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi, which takes us on a journey to the Israel of Jesus’ day; explains Jewish traditions which shed light on how to interpret Jesus’ actions and words; and delves into the Greek language of the original text of the New Testament so we can more fully understand the Bible. 

The Mavericks’ Class is committed to learning and understanding the Word of God and applying it to our lives as we serve and glorify our Lord and Savior.

Please join us!