Our Sunday Worship Service is at 11:00 am

We would love for you to join us for worship, either in person or using the Zoom link below.

Passcode:  040820

Our choir is a small group of dedicated members led by Marsha Roberts, Director.  She has a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in Music Education from UT Austin,  and plays the bassoon (perhaps the best bassoonist in Burnet County).  Marsha selects anthems supporting Common Lectionary readings for each Sunday and for special events like Advent and Lent.  Anthems are generally traditional small group arrangements, including classical, gospel, Presbyterian and Reformed Tradition, Sacred Harp, Scottish, Shaker, Southern Harmony, spirituals, and Welsh among the types of music selected.

Robert Centeno, Organist / Pianist, drives from San Antonio for Sunday Worship and for special events as needed.  He is an accomplished musician who pretty much lives and breathes music.  He is a member of MTNA and TMTA and served as President of the Austin District Music Teachers Association (2009-2011).  He has over 25 years of teaching and performance experience and has authored a 12-volume music theory workbook series.

In addition, many members contribute to worship with music performances and accompaniment.  Periodic recitals include church members, members of the community and out of town guests.

Our music program intentionally glorifies God through the contribution of our talents.

The Choir sings each Sunday during Worship and has Choir practice immediately following the Worship service.