Our Activities at BPC​


While all women church members are “Presbyterian women”, we are blessed to have an active and dedicated Presbyterian Women group (“PW”) which meets on the second Monday of most months for an interactive Bible Study and lively business meeting.

Our Bible Study is ably led by Armour Shin, who introduces a wide range of reference sources to our carefully selected curriculum.  We are encouraged to ask questions and offer opinions.

The business meeting helps coordinate the many activities and needs that PW provides within our church, our community, and our world.  From converting men’s shirts into hospital gowns, sewing baby gowns and knitting baby caps, to support of local works including LACare and the Christian Women’s Job Corps in cooperation with First Baptist Church, we are a busy and active group.

We are not all work and no play, however!  Each December we have our Christmas Party, which is a combination of fabulous food, a fun White Elephant Gift Exchange, and an opportunity to contribute to our Red Stocking Fund, which helps underwrite our many projects.  Each July we plan a No-Host Lunch at a local restaurant, at which time we present our PW Lifetime Member Award to one deserving lady. PW does not meet in August.

We cordially invite you to join this warm group of women for study, fellowship, and good works.


Begins at 1pm with Coffee and Pastries in Fellowship Hall

A Study of the Book of Acts

DATE                           LESSON #        LESSON TITLE                                      SCRIPTURES

September 9               Lesson One:    Getting Ready to Go                          Acts 1:1-2:4

October 14                  Lesson Two:    Part 1 – Growing Under Pressure    Acts 2:5-4:22

November 11              Lesson Two:    Part 2 – Growing Under Pressure    Acts 4:23-8:3

December 9                                             Christmas Party

January 13                  Lesson Three: Expanding the Territory                     Acts 8:4-12:25

February 10                Lesson Four:   Establishing the Pattern                     Acts 13:1-15:35

March 10                    Lesson Five:    Responding to the                              Acts 15:36-18:22

                                                            UnexpectedPaul’s Second Missionary Journey

April 14                       Lesson Six:      Strengthening the Fellowship:          Acts 18:23-20:38

                                                            Paul’s Third Missionary Journey

May 12                        Lesson Seven  Facing the Enemies                            Acts 21:1-26:32

June 9                         Lesson Eight:  Faithful to the End:                            Acts 27:1-28:31

                                                            Paul’s Journey to Rome

“A knowledge of the message of Acts is essential if we are to understand how Christianity moved from Jesus to Paul – from Palestine to the world.  Without it, we would not only have a historical “blank”, we would also fail to discover many ways in which the Holy Spirit can use us in the continued expansion of the Church.”


  1. The Holy Bible is your principle study book.
  2. You may find supporting material from a good study Bible or in books such as Discovering Acts, by Steven Harper.  (Check out our church library!)
  3. A question for each lesson is:  After reading the scripture for this lesson, what does this scripture mean to you?


The Burnet Bookmarks Book Club meets quarterly for discussion of selected books. A list of the books selected for 2024 follows.

January 25
The Paris Library
Janet Skeslien Charles

April 25
The Kitchen House
Kathleen Grissom

July 25
Nineteen Eighty-Four
George Orwell

October 24
The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy
Rachel Joyce
(Book #2 in the Harold Fry Series)

Book reviews begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Come, enjoy the coffee, food and fellowship.

Contact Pat Collins for any questions.
512-576-7070 or pcollins14@verizon.net

The BB’s – 10 Years of Reading



Food, Fun and Fellowship! There is no agenda, no officers, no offering, no minutes taken, no skill set requirement, no organization. FELLOWSHIP OF CHURCH WOMEN meet MOST months which have a 5th Thursday. Meeting time begins at 2PM in Fellowship Hall. Coffee and dessert are served. What is the current purpose of FCW?: To keep the aisles of HEB clear. Clear of grocery-shopping women seeing friends, then moving over their shopping carts in order to chat and catch up.


The “reorganized” Fellowship of Church Women held their first meeting on March 26, 1966.  Churches involved at that time included First Baptist, Disciples of Christ, Episcopal, Methodist, and Presbyterian.  The Lutherans joined in 1973 and the Catholic Church joined in 2001.

The purpose of the organization hasn’t changed over the years.  FCW is designed to promote fellowship and cooperation between the churches as we seek to serve the Burnet area by spreading God’s love and care.

 Ladies mentioned in past minutes over the years that are still active include Cissy Butler who gave an opening prayer in 1966, and Alice Anglin who was President for the first time in 1981.  There were also three Petrick women mentioned in the minutes:  Flora, Eloise, and Marilyn.  Minutes were preserved at the Herman Brown Free Public Library beginning in 1987.

Projects over the years included:

1967: Center for Christian Concern which was a clothes closet for school children and their families.

1974:  Operation Hair Care:  Shampooing and “setting” hair of Oaks Nursing Home ladies.

Start date unknown:  Christmas gifts for Oaks Nursing Home patients.  For many years the minutes reflected that the Christmas program included the wrapping of these gifts.  In 1992 there were 75 gifts wrapped at the December meeting!

1990:  Monthly Headstart Birthday Cupcakes became a FCW project and continued until the COVID pandemic.

When the COVID pandemic began, the FCW officially put a hold on meeting in person on October, 2020.  After several years, Carolyn Taplin suggested that we start meeting again for fellowship.  We began by meeting at restaurants, but it was so noisy that we couldn’t really visit.  The Presbyterian Church offered their Fellowship Hall and we began meeting in months with a 5th Thursday.  Two P.M. seems to work for most.  We are happy to be back on a schedule. 


The Men of the Church group is not currently meeting and is being reorganized.  Please check back for information on future meetings.  Traditionally, a breakfast group gathers the first Sunday of each month at 8:00 a.m. at the church and then goes to a local restaurant for breakfast, a devotional, a brief business meeting, and discussion of men’s interests. We are pretty low key but always keep an eye out for tasks to do around the church.  In addition, we collect contributions for special church needs and for local charities including LACare and the Boys & Girls Club of Burnet, as well as supplies for local school children.

The Men of the Church serves the Lord in many ways, some with fanfare and some quietly